CZK - Tschechische Krone

The Tschechische Krone is the currency of Tschechische Republik. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Tschechische Krone exchange rate is the CZK to USD rate. The currency code for Czech Republic Koruna is CZK, and the currency symbol is Kč. Below, you'll find Tschechische Krone rates and a currency converter.

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Tschechische Krone Stats

NameTschechische Krone
Minor unit1/100 = Haléru
Minor unit symbolh
Top CZK conversionCZK to USD
Top CZK chartCZK to USD chart

Tschechische Krone Profile

CoinsFreq used: 1Kč, 2Kč, 5Kč, 10Kč, 20Kč, 50Kč
Bank notesFreq used: 100Kč, 200Kč, 500Kč, 1000Kč, 2000Kč, 5000Kč
Central bankCzech National Bank
Tschechische Republik


EUR / USD1,03780
GBP / EUR1,20178
USD / JPY153,340
GBP / USD1,24722
USD / CHF0,905236
USD / CAD1,43351
EUR / JPY159,137
AUD / USD0,624989

Kurse der Zentralbank

WährungInterest Rate
JPY0,25 %
CHF1,00 %
EUR3,25 %
USD4,75 %
CAD3,25 %
AUD4,35 %
NZD4,25 %
GBP4,75 %