VES - Venezolanischer Bolivar

The Venezolanischer Bolivar is the currency of Venezuela. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Venezolanischer Bolivar exchange rate is the VES to USD rate. The currency code for Venezuela Bolívar is VES, and the currency symbol is Bs.S. Below, you'll find Venezolanischer Bolivar rates and a currency converter.

Notice: The Bolivar Soberano has many official rates.

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Venezolanischer Bolivar Stats

NameVenezolanischer Bolivar
SymbolBs. S
Minor unit1/100 = céntimo
Minor unit symbol¢
Top VES conversionVES to USD
Top VES chartVES to USD chart

Venezolanischer Bolivar Profile

Nicknamesbolo(s), luca(s)
CoinsFreq used: Bs. S1, 50¢
Bank notesFreq used: Bs. S2, Bs. S5, Bs. S10, Bs. S20, Bs. S50, Bs. S100, Bs. S200, Bs. S500
Central bankBanco Central de Venezuela


EUR / USD1,08370
GBP / EUR1,19302
USD / JPY148,697
GBP / USD1,29287
USD / CHF0,884234
USD / CAD1,44268
EUR / JPY161,143
AUD / USD0,629564

Kurse der Zentralbank

WährungInterest Rate
JPY0,25 %
CHF1,00 %
EUR3,25 %
USD4,75 %
CAD3,25 %
AUD4,35 %
NZD4,25 %
GBP4,75 %