SLL - Leone sierraleonés

The Leone sierraleonés is the currency of Sierra Leona. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Leone sierraleonés exchange rate is the SLL to USD rate. The currency code for Sierra Leone Leone is SLL, and the currency symbol is Le. Below, you'll find Leone sierraleonés rates and a currency converter.

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SLL and SLE are legal tender until March 2023, in accordance with ISO 4217 AMENDMENT NUMBER 173, which was released on September 23, 2022.

Leone sierraleonés Stats

NameLeone sierraleonés
Minor unit1/100 = Cent
Minor unit symbolc
Top SLL conversionSLL to USD
Top SLL chartSLL to USD chart

Leone sierraleonés Profile

CoinsFreq used: Le10, Le50, Le100, Le500
Bank notesFreq used: Le1000, Le2000, Le5000, Le10000
Central bankBank of Sierra Leone
Sierra Leona

Tipos de divisa en tiempo real

EUR / USD1,04616
GBP / EUR1,19007
USD / JPY155,940
GBP / USD1,24501
USD / CHF0,906931
USD / CAD1,43883
EUR / JPY163,139
AUD / USD0,629060

Tipos de cambio del Banco Central

DivisaInterest Rate
JPY0,25 %
CHF1,00 %
EUR3,25 %
USD4,75 %
CAD3,25 %
AUD4,35 %
NZD4,25 %
GBP4,75 %