XAU - Onza de oro

The Onza de oro is the currency of Oro. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Onza de oro exchange rate is the XAU to USD rate. The currency code for Gold is XAU. Below, you'll find Onza de oro rates and a currency converter.

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Onza de oro Stats

NameOnza de oro
Minor unit
Minor unit symbol
Top XAU conversionXAU to USD
Top XAU chartXAU to USD chart

Onza de oro Profile


Tipos de divisa en tiempo real

EUR / USD1,04269
GBP / EUR1,20486
USD / JPY156,484
GBP / USD1,25629
USD / CHF0,893850
USD / CAD1,43617
EUR / JPY163,164
AUD / USD0,625053

Tipos de cambio del Banco Central

DivisaInterest Rate
JPY0,25 %
CHF1,00 %
EUR3,25 %
USD4,75 %
CAD3,25 %
AUD4,35 %
NZD4,25 %
GBP4,75 %