EEK - Couronne estonienne

The Couronne estonienne is the currency of Estonie. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Couronne estonienne exchange rate is the EEK to USD rate. The currency code for Estonia Kroon is EEK, and the currency symbol is kr. Below, you'll find Couronne estonienne rates and a currency converter.

Notice: As of 15 January 2011, the Estonian kroon is no longer legal tender.

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The EEK was replaced by the Euro at a fixed conversion rate of 1 EUR = 15.6466 EEK. Estonian kroon banknotes can be exchanged at the Bank of Estonia in unlimited amounts for an unlimited amount of time. For more information, please visit ECB: Estonia 2011.

Couronne estonienne Stats

NameCouronne estonienne
Minor unit
Minor unit symbol
Top EEK conversionEEK to USD
Top EEK chartEEK to USD chart

Couronne estonienne Profile


Taux de change en direct

EUR / USD1,03027
GBP / EUR1,18431
USD / JPY157,911
GBP / USD1,22016
USD / CHF0,912622
USD / CAD1,43638
EUR / JPY162,691
AUD / USD0,618765

Taux de la banque centrale

DeviseInterest Rate
JPY0,25 %
CHF1,00 %
EUR3,25 %
USD4,75 %
CAD3,25 %
AUD4,35 %
NZD4,25 %
GBP4,75 %