SBD - Dollar des îles Salomon

The Dollar des îles Salomon is the currency of Salomon. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Dollar des îles Salomon exchange rate is the SBD to USD rate. The currency code for Solomon Islands Dollar is SBD, and the currency symbol is $. Below, you'll find Dollar des îles Salomon rates and a currency converter.

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Dollar des îles Salomon Stats

NameDollar des îles Salomon
Minor unit
Minor unit symbol
Top SBD conversionSBD to USD
Top SBD chartSBD to USD chart

Dollar des îles Salomon Profile


Taux de change en direct

EUR / USD1,04017
GBP / EUR1,20486
USD / JPY157,452
GBP / USD1,25325
USD / CHF0,899500
USD / CAD1,43840
EUR / JPY163,777
AUD / USD0,623149

Taux de la banque centrale

DeviseInterest Rate
JPY0,25 %
CHF1,00 %
EUR3,25 %
USD4,75 %
CAD3,25 %
AUD4,35 %
NZD4,25 %
GBP4,75 %