ZMK - Kwacha zambien

The Kwacha zambien is the currency of Zambie. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Kwacha zambien exchange rate is the ZMK to USD rate. The currency code for Zambia Kwacha is ZMK. Below, you'll find Kwacha zambien rates and a currency converter.

Notice: As of 30 June 2013, ZMK is no longer legal tender.

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The ZMK was replaced by the ZMW at a fixed conversion rate of 1000 ZMK = 1 ZMW. ZMK banknotes can be exchanged at the Bank of Zambia in unlimited amounts until 31 December 2014. For more information, please visit BOZ: Changeover date.

Kwacha zambien Stats

NameKwacha zambien
Minor unit1/100 = Ngwee
Minor unit symbolN
Top ZMK conversionZMK to USD
Top ZMK chartZMK to USD chart

Kwacha zambien Profile

CoinsFreq used: ZK1, ZK5, ZK10
Rarely used: 25N, 50N
Bank notesFreq used: ZK20, ZK50, ZK100, ZK500, ZK1000, ZK5000, ZK10000, ZK20000, ZK50000
Central bankBank of Zambia

Taux de change en direct

EUR / USD1,05008
GBP / EUR1,20430
USD / JPY149,521
GBP / USD1,26462
USD / CHF0,895044
USD / CAD1,43405
EUR / JPY157,009
AUD / USD0,631634

Taux de la banque centrale

DeviseInterest Rate
JPY0,25 %
CHF1,00 %
EUR3,25 %
USD4,75 %
CAD3,25 %
AUD4,35 %
NZD4,25 %
GBP4,75 %