Know exactly what you're paying for when you send money. With Xe, our fees are always transparent—so you’ll see the exact cost before you confirm your transfer. No surprises, just clarity.
Transfer method
Your transfer method determines the fees. Debit and credit cards offer fast delivery, but with higher fees. If you're looking for a lower-cost option, direct debit or wire transfers may be the way to go, even though they take a little longer.
Transfer speed
Fast transfers, such as those with debit or credit cards, come with higher fees for speedier processing. Debit or wire transfers tend to have lower fees, but take longer to complete.
Transfer amount
The amount you're sending can impact fees. Larger transfers may qualify for reduced or no send fees, making them more cost-effective. Smaller transfers might incur a fixed fee, so it’s important to consider the transfer size when planning for costs.
Destination country
Fees vary depending on the destination country. Some countries may have higher fees due to local regulations, banking systems, or currency exchange factors, affecting the overall transfer cost.
在某些情况下,收款银行或中介机构可能会收取额外费用。请务必与收款人核实,了解其银行可能对转账收取的任何费用。由于收款银行收取的费用和外国税,收款人收到的金额可能会减少。遗憾的是,Xe 无法控制收款机构的费用。
有些提供商声称“不收取任何费用”,但他们通常会将费用包含在汇率中,从而导致兑换率下降。务必比较费用和汇率,以确保您获得最优惠的价格。Xe 是透明的,会提前显示汇率和任何费用,因此您可以确切地知道您支付了多少。
Choose the right method
To reduce transfer fees, carefully consider which payment method best suits your needs. Finding the right balance between speed and cost helps minimize expenses without compromising on transfer timing.
Understand fee structures
Familiarize yourself with how fees are applied at your bank and compare transfers between providers. Knowing when and why fees apply can help you make better decisions and save money on your transfers.
Time your transfer
Timing your transfer when exchange rates are favorable can significantly reduce costs. Exchange rates can fluctuate, so it’s smart to monitor trends and send money when rates are best.
It's fast, simple and easy. As part of the Euronet Worldwide family, our customers trusted us last year to securely process over $115 billion worth of international money transfers. With transparent rates and a simple platform, we make it easy to send money abroad.
Xe 会根据货币、目的地国家和您使用的付款方式等因素收取不同的费用。您可以在确认转账之前查看确切的转账费用。
在使用 Xe 完成汇款之前,您将能够看到所有适用费用的明细。其中包括汇率、任何汇款费用以及收款人将收到的总金额。Xe 确保完全透明,因此您在确认交易之前确切知道会发生什么。
是的,您可以使用多种策略来降低汇款费用。首先,明智地选择付款方式。例如,使用银行转账而不是信用卡可以降低费用。选择方法时,平衡速度和成本至关重要,因为更快的选项往往成本更高。安排好汇款时间也有帮助。监控汇率并在汇率有利时汇款以降低总体成本。Xe 提供汇率警报等工具,当达到您想要的汇率时会通知您,这样您就可以在适合您的时间和成本下采取行动。最后,了解您银行的费用结构并将其与其他提供商进行比较。了解如何以及何时收取费用可以让您做出明智的决定并利用低成本的转账选项。